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Victory We Almost Missed – by Vicky Kaseorg

I was up the street encouraging cars coming to the abortion center to stop and talk with me first. I noticed someone leaving by foot in the driveway of the abortion center. She did not stop for our counselors, and in fact waved them away. Nonetheless, she approached me.  As I always do, I asked her if it would be OK if I gave her our literature.

She did not seem inclined to talk to me, looked annoyed, and then she told me no.  She didn’t need it. She said she already had one. This confused me since I saw nothing in her hands, she did not have a purse, and I knew she had rebuffed our counselors at the driveway. 

I asked her if someone had given her the literature earlier today and she said no. She said when she was on her way to work last week, one of the counselors had given her the information. She did accept it then. I asked her if I could explain why we do that to people just passing by. She nodded, but still without smiling. If someone doesn’t tell me to go away and stop talking, I believe I am called by God to speak.

So I told her that we give this literature out because we urge people taking it to give it to women in vulnerable pregnancies. We know that the literature alone, with the gospel passages as well as the offers of tangible help, has been instrumental in saving lives of unborn babies.

At this point, she smiled slightly and said, “yes I know.“

I asked her how she knew. She told me that the day she received the pamphlet, she went to work and when she got home, her sister told her that she was pregnant. The pregnant sister was horrified and was planning to abort the baby.  However, the woman to whom I was now speaking gave the pamphlet to her sister. Her sister read it and Chose Life!!

This was a saved baby that none of us would have known about if I had not stopped this woman who was just cutting through the parking lot of the Abortion center on her way to work. She would never have received the life-saving information if our counselors had not handed the pamphlet to the passer-by cutting through the Abortion center parking lot from the neighborhood behind it.

We never know where the seeds we plant may grow. We know that if we are to create a culture of life, we should miss no opportunity. Everyone of us can influence those around us to the truth that unborn life is precious, and we are ready to help these women and surround them with the hope of Jesus and the tangible help of His Church.           

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