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5,000 Babies Saved

Because of supporters like you, in 2023 Love Life was able to be present at 44 abortion centers across the nation with over 1000 partnering Churches and 306 House of Refuge Churches poised and equipped to help the moms that chose life. A watershed moment occurred in 2023 when we saw the 5,000th baby saved from abortion. Let that number sink in. 5,000 babies who were scheduled to die with the permission of their own

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Momma “C” chose life last week. She is 24 weeks pregnant with her third child. Because of circumstances she has severely fallen behind on rent and about to be evicted. “C” reached out to Love Life for help and we have plugged her into a House of Refuge church in her area of Eastern North Carolina but they are a small congregation and aren’t able to help financially at the level she needs. “C” needs

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A Vehicle To Mobilize The Church

Pastor Dave Johnson of River’s Edge Church in Sacramento is no stranger to the abortion issue. He says he was always pro-life and cared about the issue, but he did not feel called to the political approach to dealing with it. Pastoring his small church in the shadow of the Capitol of the abortion Mecca of California, he was continually approached by political groups asking him to help them in the quest to deal with

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LifeRide Romance

What God did through LifeRide in 2023 was amazing. There are so many stories we could tell.  Churches were mobilized, lives were saved, and entire families were impacted. But would you believe that through the simple obedience of a pastor willing to ride a bike across the U.S. a romance would blossom and a family would begin? You will be blessed and encouraged by Dominic and Haley’s story: “I moved to my new hometown of

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What She Heard From the Puplit Was Echoed on the Sidewalk

“I was overwhelmed and then my pastor spoke about abortion…and I knew God was speaking to me.” Alexis* had received our Love Life Hope is Here pamphlet when she came to Charlotte to abort. She left, choosing life, but initially told no one. She knew she needed help, so she called the number on the back of the brochure and was connected to a Love Life volunteer. As she shared her story with the volunteer,

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A Bold Stance For Life In Canada

“You could be arrested for speaking from the pulpit about help for women choosing life rather than abortion?” I asked. “Yes, it is possible,” Pastor Jeff Thompson replied, “But it doesn’t matter. We will do it anyway.” Pastor Jeff Thompson is an Assistant Pastor at Riverside Calvary Chapel in Langley, Canada. They were the first Love Life House of Refuge Church in Canada. Mobilizing his congregation to help women prevent or heal from abortion is

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Vicky leading a SoCal Sidewalk team in Prayer at the abortion center

Fanning the Flames on the Sidewalk in California

Because of your investment in Love Life, we were able to send our National Sidewalk Training director, Vicky Kaseorg, for a full week to encourage and equip several Southern California sidewalk outreach teams. Vicky visited 5 different abortion centers and worked with about 9 different sidewalk outreach teams. The week culminated in a 3 ½ hour classroom session, with all the teams gathered together to role-play common scenarios they will face on the sidewalk. During

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Brokenness, grief, and shame were destroying me…until

Helping churches effectively address abortion in a redemptive manner contributes significantly to creating a culture of Love and Life. Sadly, the destruction of abortion has reached so deep into our world that many women and men, even in the church, have been ravaged by it. Many have yet to receive healing. But you’re helping raise up warriors like Stephanie Reinhart who leads Restored Life, our abortion recovery ministry. Stephanie not only connects women and men with

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We Forgot Someone

You’ve likely heard these common phrases. “Love them both”, “Pro-Woman, Pro-Life”, “Abortion Hurts Women”, these are typical statements that you’ll hear at most pro-life events. These statements aren’t wrong, but something is glaringly absent from these common pro-life slogans. What is missing? Have we forgotten someone? For every child, there is a mother AND a father. Whether the father has taken responsibility for his child or not, he is still an important part of the

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A Sedan, The Church, and You

“D” was facing an unplanned pregnancy, and her boyfriend was threatening to kick her out if she didn’t abort. Thankfully, the appeals from our Sidewalk Outreach team reached her ears, and she chose life. But this is just the beginning of her story. Without a job or a vehicle to get to work, on top of no longer having a place to live, “D” needed significant help. She was immediately connected with a mentor from

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The abortion crisis is a behemoth, an evil so large and so pervasive in our culture that we can feel like grasshoppers facing a giant. It’s tempting to be discouraged and wonder, “What can one person like me do to affect change?” Austin Dockrey, a high school senior, faced that question head-on after attending an apologetics class on abortion led by our Love Life Northeast Regional Director, Bo Linam. Like many, Austin always claimed to

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