Today is the Day of Salvation – by Vicky Kaseorg

There are days when we see no visible fruit from our efforts on the sidewalk in front of abortion centers. Then, there are days like this Tuesday when two babies were saved, three women submitted their lives to the Lord in front of the abortion center, and one abortion worker not only submitted her life to Jesus but asked for help from us in preparing to quit her job there. We have already initiated that process.

It was one of those days when our team was very small and the opposition was very large. The abortion center was overflowing with clients. It did not seem likely that our efforts would make a dent in the adversity. Yet, strangely, car after car stopped for our counselors. A record 23 pamphlets were given out, despite the continual screeching from the opposition not to stop, not to talk with us, and not to take our pamphlets.

Two women came on the nearby pregnancy center mobile ultrasound unit. Both had a similar story. Both claimed to know the Lord, both claimed to love Jesus, and both were determined to abort their child. Surprisingly, the abortion worker who stopped to talk with a Love Life counselor a little later had much the same story about her spiritual state. She said her work was “just a job to feed her family,” but admitted that she did not tell her children where she worked. When pressed on why that was, she said she knew it was wrong to work there at the same time she was trying to teach them to listen to God.

In all three cases, the sidewalk counselor gently but truthfully told them that if they were willfully continuing in sin while full well knowing what they were doing was forbidden by God, then Jesus was NOT Lord of their life. Surprisingly, they agreed. They admitted that in fact, THEY were Lord of their life, not Jesus. They also admitted that the choices they had been making had led them to a place they had never wanted to be, and they were weary of the pain and destruction in their lives. When the Gospel was presented, they all said they wanted to submit their lives to the Lord then and there. They wanted to end the cycle of sin.

Three lives dedicated that day to follow God in front of the busiest abortion center in the Southeast.

All three requested a Love Life mentor. All three wanted help finding how to walk more closely with God. All three knew they needed and wanted to start over, to find a true saving faith with Jesus as Lord.

And by the way, all three received a hand-painted rock with a Bible verse to remind them of the magnitude of this day.

The church will now surround them with love, resources, and discipleship. In the face of nearly seventy babies dying at that place, God preserved these precious souls for His kingdom. The need for House of Refuge churches is critical to help others like these women as they turn from the darkness of the culture of death to a culture of Life.

“O sing to the Lord a new song, For He has done wonderful things, His right hand and His holy arm have gained the victory for Him. The Lord has made known His salvation; He has revealed His righteousness in the sight of the nations.”

Psalms‬ 98:1-2‬ 

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