A car stopped for me as my team ministered on the sidewalk in front of the busiest abortion center in the Southeast. The driver spoke no English. Inexplicably, Google Translator wouldn’t work for me. I had no choice but to speak in Spanish with my fledgling skills. It was enough to convince the man that he should not give up on his desire to talk his girlfriend out of abortion. He was despondent and dejected when I first began talking to him. But as I offered hope and tangible help of the local church, he brightened. He texted his girlfriend, relaying some of our discussion. He told me she would be there soon, determined to abort. She arrived in her own car a few minutes later. My meager spanish-speaking aptitude was sufficient again to convince her to follow me onto the Help Monroe mobile ultrasound medical unit parked nearby.
She was very abortion-minded. The boyfriend had been trying to convince her otherwise for weeks. My broken spanish about what God would have her do led her to admit He would have her save the baby. Tears flowed as she expressed her fears and obstacles.
We did finally connect with an interpreter after I plowed through our phone list. Five different interpreters on our list did not answer. Finally, one picked up. She had taken an unexpected day off from work and was just thinking, “I wonder if they will ever use me to interpret for Love Life.” Then her phone rang; it was me, asking if she could interpret over speaker phone.
In the end, the woman enthusiastically chose life after seeing her baby and being assured of help through the local church. She smiled and held hands with the boyfriend as they watched their baby on the ultrasound screen.When I asked how she felt now, she said, “Estoy feliz!” (I am happy.) Then I asked how he felt. His eyes filled with tears.

“I prayed this morning that God would somehow send someone to stop her from killing our baby. My prayers were answered.” She smiled at him and squeezed his hand.
I almost didn’t go to the sidewalk that day because we had a full team. However, I felt God was telling me I should be there. I have learned never to ignore those heavenly nudges. Perhaps God is nudging you?
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