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Larry, City Director San Bernardino, California

Two major tragedies happened in my family that caused me to ask the question, “What is the meaning of Life?” The answer to that question led me to repentance and belief in CHRIST as my Lord and Savior. Unfortunately, I was a part of the problem. In my early 20’s, I counseled my girlfriend to get an abortion. After the fact, I knew that was wrong. The abortion occurred in BC…Before Christ days.

No excuses! I made a vow to myself that I would never do that again. 

Fast forward. I’m 67 now. I became a CHRIST follower at the age of 31. On Feb 28, 1987, at 6 pm, I surrendered my life to JESUS CHRIST as my LORD and SAVIOR. 

During the covid lockdown, I was sitting at home watching church on YouTube. Calvary Chapel Chino Hills had a guest speaker, and he said something that got in my spirit. 

“A Christian presence on the sidewalk at Planned Parenthood reduces their business by 70%.” 

Now, I knew that I could do that. I could just stand on the sidewalk. That was the genesis of this adventure that my wife and I are on.

Looking back, I think God has been preparing me for Love Life City Director since the early 90’s. I have been involved in a ministry called Cowboy Church for over 20 years. I’m retired now, but when I was working, God allowed me to be a part of Bible studies at work. I’ve been involved in ministries at the churches that I have attended: Children’s ministry, VBS, Music ministry, home bible study leaders and host, Junior High ministry, etc….. 

These were all useful. However, I think the most important preparation for this ministry is daily quiet time and prayer. 

Actually, I did not know where I was going to land in this ministry. All I wanted to do was take the next step. I didn’t preplan what my role in Love Life would be. God knew!

All I’m trying to do is be obedient to God’s word and stay open to His promptings. I want to be a light to my generation in this dark place. 

There are certainly challenges. The spiritual battle is very real! I would love prayer for us in specific ways. Please pray for our marriage. Marriage is a favorite attack of the enemy. My wife and I just got back from a marriage retreat and are taking a week off at the beach to recharge our batteries. 

In terms of what our goals for the future are, we, of course, want to continue to obey God and follow His guidance. We don’t know what the future holds, but we do know WHO holds the future.

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