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Catrina’s Prayer – by Vicky Kaseorg

Catrina came close to not being here. This is the story in Catrina’s own words. 

My mother (Lorraine) was a single mom who worked at a pharmacy. After learning she was pregnant (with me), out of fear, she began researching ways to abort (likely the abortion pill). Conflicted, she prayed and asked God what she should do. She went to church and during service became distressed. She felt led to call and confess to her own mother that she was pregnant. She used the church pay phone (no cell phone back then) and  while holding on the phone for her mother to leave the choir, my mom heard an audible voice say, “Go through I’ll be with you!” My mom, immediately hung up the phone, shocked, and began crying.

She walked to the ladies’ room and inside of the sitting area were two little girls sitting/playing.

My mom felt a unique unction to ask one of the girls, “What do you have to tell me? What is God saying?” The little girl looked at her for a few seconds and then stated, “God said, if you do it, you’ll die.”

This was my mom’s answer and warning….choose life for me (the baby) and for her! 

God truly intercepted!

The child, Catrina, knew God was calling her to abortion center sidewalk outreach. She wanted to reach those women like her mother who needed a sign of God’s goodness and provision and guidance. However, she also had no idea how to begin such a ministry. She prayed to God for a “strategy.” Her husband had the same deep desire. As a child with sixteen siblings, he was grateful that his parents put God in charge of family planning. He and his twin were the last in the long, long line of children. He knows that with other parents, he may well have never been allowed to live.

So Catrina and Michael prayed that somehow God would make a way for them to do sidewalk outreach in Detroit. Catrina often drove by the abortion center, wondering how God would answer this prayer. 

Covid hit, and like many people, the couple began watching services online. They chanced upon Bishop Patrick Wooden of Raleigh, whom they loved to watch. During one sermon, Bishop Wooden praised God for three babies saved in Raleigh. He mentioned a nationwide organization that mobilized the church to unite and lovingly confront the abortion and orphan crisis. With mounting excitement, Catrina googled She found a video of a missionary leader in Detroit, Roy Roy Jr. (yes that is really his name) doing just that. She called Roy. Roy had the strategy she needed, but not the workers. Catrina’s prayer was answered.


The team Catrina now directs on the sidewalk of the abortion center is largely new. Most, like Catrina, have only been there a few months. The team is very small and as yet, cannot cover every day the abortion center is open. I had the privilege of serving with them to help train this relatively new team. They were eager, soaking in all the suggestions. Two babies were saved that day, and several fruitful interactions with women and even abortion workers ensued. A lot of Love Life literature with hope and healing resources were handed out. Catrina noted that with a full team, so much work for the Lord could be accomplished!


As with sidewalks across the nation, the harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Now Catrina’s prayer has shifted. She knew she was called to be a sign to the mothers streaming to the abortion center. She knew God had answered her prayer for the strategy to accomplish her desire and purpose. Now she just needed to fill the sidewalk for the strategy to be most effective. “Lord, bring us workers for the harvest.”

Please visit to learn more about our Sidewalk Outreach Team.

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