Brokenness, grief, and shame were destroying me…until

Helping churches effectively address abortion in a redemptive manner contributes significantly to creating a culture of Love and Life. Sadly, the destruction of abortion has reached so deep into our world that many women and men, even in the church, have been ravaged by it. Many have yet to receive healing.

But you’re helping raise up warriors like Stephanie Reinhart who leads Restored Life, our abortion recovery ministry. Stephanie not only connects women and men with abortion recovery Bible studies but also equips those who have experienced healing from a past abortion to share their testimony with those attending Love Life prayer walks. Theseblank testimonies help bring healing to others who have abortion in their past.

This past Saturday Denise, a Restored Life Leader, bravely shared her testimony at a prayer walk. At one point in her life she chose abortion but by God’s amazing grace acknowledged her sin and came to the Savior for forgiveness and healing. Below is what she shared.

“Culture would like us to believe that abortion is the solution to a problem, terminate the pregnancy problem solved. That could not be further from the truth.

I know this because I made the devastating choice to take the life of my sweet baby. It was a decision that haunted me for many years. In the aftermath of my abortion, I believed there was no one I could trust. I was angry; at the man who had created a situation that made me feel I had no other choice, at the doctors and counselors who lied to me, and at society for not only allowing it but encouraging it.

I hated myself for not having the courage and strength to do what was right and I was pretty sure God hated me too.

Brokenness, grief, and soul-crushing shame were destroying me. I was in a dark place; emotionally dead hiding behind a mask of “I’m fine”, so that no one would discover my ugly secret.

BUT GOD… Our gracious Father, did not leave there. After years of suffering alone in silence, I cried out to God for mercy and forgiveness. There on my knees, I met Jesus. His grace pierced my hardened heart, but it was only the beginning of a long battle for healing because although I had accepted God’s forgiveness, I still struggled to forgive myself.

The enemy relentlessly used the dirty secret of my past to keep me in fear and doubt about who I am and whose I am. Moreover, his deceptive whisperings kept me silent about the traumatic effects of abortion.

Then, one Sunday in 2022 my pastor announced that our church was going to participate in a Love Life walk the following Saturday. He shared the staggering statistic that 1:4 women have experienced an abortion. As I looked around at the congregation that morning, I realized for the first time, I was not alone. My heart ached to know that quite possibly, sitting there in that gym were women who were trapped by the same lies I was battling.

Despite the frightening thought of standing shoulder to shoulder with people who I was sure could never understand the conflict happening in my soul, I attended the walk where my heart was stirred by the testimony of a post-abortive woman. She shared her story and how she had found freedom.

Soon thereafter, I participated in a Bible study through Restored Life, which cut through the many layers of guilt, shame, fear, anger, grief, and regret that I’d been carrying for 3 decades. A few weeks upon completing the study more chains were broken when I shared my testimony at a Love Life walk.

Since then I’ve completed leadership training through Restored Life, co-facilitated two abortion recovery studies with Stephanie Reinhart, and shared my testimony at my church. I’m currently in the process of partnering with my church to begin an abortion recovery ministry.

No longer bound by fear and shame, I’m answering God’s call to share my story to expose the enemy’s lies that have contaminated our society for too long. Rescued by His extravagant love and covered by the blood of the Lamb, I am FORGIVEN, RESTORED, and FREE! Satan has lost his hold on me and I WILL NOT BE SILENT ANYMORE.”

Your support of Love Life not only helps save the lives of precious children but it also helps bring healing to those like Denise who have been bound by abortion. Thank you for your continued prayer and financial support of this vital ministry.