Britani’s Story

Hello. My name is Britani. I am 18 years old. Last year, I met Misty, a sidewalk counselor, in front of the abortion clinic. I went there to abort my daughter. I went because I felt I had no other choice.

After some difficult childhood things, I found myself looking for love and safety. I began to sneak around with a boy. He made me feel safe and loved, and before long, we became intimate. After about a month, I became pregnant. I was actually sort of excited to think of a baby to love and to love me, but then I immediately thought of telling my mom, and I was terrified.

I decided to tell the baby’s dad first to see how he would react.
After seeing his nervousness and fear, I thought I should have an abortion. I felt scared and ashamed of being pregnant.

I told my best friend at the time, and she said she would take me to the abortion clinic to figure out options. When I got there, I accidentally walked across the hall into the pregnancy center. I stayed and got an ultrasound and didn’t go to my appointment at the abortion clinic.

But after going home that day, I was still so fearful and determined that I needed to take care of this, and abortion seemed like the only solution to escape. So I made another appointment and went back to the abortion center the next week. I was about 14 weeks pregnant now, and I was experiencing so much anxiety.

When we drove in, we saw Misty, a sidewalk counselor walking up to the car to offer a pamphlet. I remember my conversation with her, and I remember the picture she showed me of how my baby looked at this point in the pregnancy. It touched me. She talked about God’s plan for me and my baby, and she promised to be there for me and help me. I listened for as long as I could, but I still went into the abortion clinic with my friend for my appointment.

It was cold, and it felt weird in there. I didn’t think the people in there were very nice and my friend kept asking me if I was sure. She assured me that it would be OK if I didn’t go through with it. She wanted to support me, but she just didn’t know how to exactly. I was looking at the pamphlet from Misty and thinking about how I might regret an abortion and how even the death of animals affects me, so I decided to just leave. I still wasn’t sure what I was going to do, but at that moment, I couldn’t have an abortion.

After about another month, and still communicating with Misty over text, I found the courage to tell my parents. Although they were disappointed, they didn’t freak out.

Misty and the church threw me a baby shower and got me everything I needed for my baby.

Eliana Lexani was born on January 5th this year! A beautiful 6lb, 20in baby girl!

A few months ago, I gave my life to the Lord! I hope to grow closer to God.

Now, I realize that abortion would have destroyed me. I would have never been the same, and I love my daughter!

I want every young person to know that if you or someone you know becomes pregnant, even though it may be hard, the life of your child is worth it. My life isn’t easy, but my daughter, Eliana, is one of the very best things about my life, and I wouldn’t ever change that!

I hope my story helps another young mom know that there is hope and help for her.