A Wrong Turn That Was Right – by Vicky Kaseorg

The young woman stepped on the mobile ultrasound unit parked in front of the abortion center. She had been following her GPS to the clinic where she would take the life of her unborn child. And then, inexplicably, she took a wrong turn. Instead of a left to the clinic, she took a right…to an RV with the word HELP across its flank. 

She stopped for a woman dressed in scrubs, who told her that she could offer a free ultrasound. The nurse was eager to help the young woman in any way she could. The young woman felt a rush of unexpected conviction. She followed the nurse and a Love Life Sidewalk team member aboard the RV with the mobile ultrasound unit. She sat down, and her story gushed out of her, a torrent of sin and pain. 

“I took a wrong turn,” she kept saying. 

The nurse and the sidewalk outreach team member smiled. They knew she took the turn that God had perfectly set before her. A turn not only that ended up with her choosing life for her baby, but after hearing the truth of the Gospel, she submitted her life to Jesus as Lord. 

She clung to the two who counseled her that afternoon, hugging and not letting go for a long moment. She could not believe how kind and loving they were. She had been warned they would be protesters, nasty and judgmental. That is not at all what she encountered. She found hope, and life, and help. 

That wrong turn was the first right turn she had taken in many years. 

Praise God for teams on the sidewalk ready and eager to help women in desperate situations. What if they had not been there? Her GPS would have led her around the corner to the place where her unborn child would have been violently killed. Instead, the “wrong turn” led her back to God. 

“There is a way that seems right to a man, But its end is the way of death.”

“The fear of the Lord is a fountain of life, To turn one away from the snares of death.” 

– Proverbs 14:12,27