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A Baby and a Wedding – by Vicky Kaseorg

“Toni” was headed to the abortion center, but stopped her car for one of our new volunteers up the street. She told us initially she was overwhelmed by a job loss and didn’t know what to do. She said she loved God and knew abortion was wrong. Like so many women we encounter in sidewalk outreach ministry, she had decided that her circumstances were dire enough that God would understand if she felt the need to abort. We asked her if God made exceptions in His commandments. She looked down, shaking her head.

It did not take long to convince her to come on the mobile ultrasound unit (MUU) sent by our partner ministry Monroe HELP Pregnancy Center. She agreed to look at her baby and listen to the help we could offer.

Quickly, once on the MUU, she spoke to the sonographer as if she had not considered abortion. We knew that is not what she indicated when she first stopped for us. Obviously, she was already feeling convicted about her initial intent. She confided that she had not told her boyfriend of many years that she was pregnant. It was clear she had been abortion-minded, but was now rethinking her choices framed in the light of what God would have her do.

The precious little baby was a star on the ultrasound, seeming to suck his thumb several times. As soon as Toni saw the baby, she was captivated. We talked about the development of a child that age, as well as the many resources through the Church we had that could help her.

As always, we shared the Gospel. She claimed to love Jesus and described the time a few years ago when she had submitted her life to Him. Everything she said rang true to an understanding of God…except the fact that she was on the road to an abortion and was currently living with a man she was not married to.

Confronting people with the truth of what it means if Jesus is truly Lord of our lives is critical to change a culture of sin and death. We showed her several verses about the seriousness of sexual immorality. Then we read verses together of what Jesus Himself says about what it means to claim Him as Lord. We MUST do what He says, or He is NOT Lord of our lives. WE are.

She had seen firsthand the devastation of ruined marriages. She loved the boyfriend who honestly sounded like a wonderful man. He WANTED to marry her. But over the years she had refused, fearful that it would destroy their relationship!

We reminded her that we are not to live a life of fear over what might happen. We should NEVER use it as an excuse to disregard God’s clear word. If Jesus is Lord of my life, I will obey Him. That is the fruit that follows a saving profession of faith. We also pointed out that it was GOD who instituted marriage, family, and parenthood. It is HIS design for humankind.

She chose life, and signed up for a Love Life mentor.

That night, I sent an encouraging text and asked how she was doing.

She replied with a single sentence: I am engaged!!

Sidewalk outreach is often the last hope for the child doomed to abortion. Many times, women like Toni need only a little reminder of the truth of God and the humanity of the baby. They need to hear compassion in the midst of their struggles, but also a way of HOPE that honors God.

“And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” – John 8:32

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