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David and Robin’s Testimony

David grew up as a missionary kid. Sadly, due to childhood abuse and fear that his father instilled in him, he had no relationship with the Lord. As an adult, he met and married his wife, Robin. They both were touched by an end-times program airing on God TV in Europe. That was the catalyst to bring him into a true relationship with God. 

Robin was raised in a strict legalistic church and struggled with her faith. When she married and was living in Germany, desperate times and a lonely night led her to start watching God TV. God revealed Himself to her, changing her and David’s lives forever. 

Forced by her mother, Robin had an abortion at the age of sixteen and suffered for many years with shame and guilt. God supernaturally healed her after twenty years of torture. However, she didn’t realize that God would use her in this ministry until a message by Seth Gruber was given at their church, Calvary Chapel Chino Hills. Through that message in 2019, God revealed His will for both David and Robin. 

After being involved in Love Life CA,  they believed the Lord wanted them to move to Arizona. David was laid off from his career as a pilot, so with no clear plan, they stepped out in faith. They followed the Lord’s call and relocated to Arizona in February 2022. They knew He was calling them to abortion outreach ministry, but the details were far from clear.

Five months after God spoke to David and Robin, their new church agreed to become a Love Life House of Refuge Church. Also, at this time, David was offered his pilot position back. They wrestled with the decision and prayed. Working as a pilot would certainly provide financial security.  However, they knew what God was telling them. They attended a zoom meeting with our Love Life Expansion Director, and it was confirmed what God had spoken into their lives. They would become the City Directors of Love Life Phoenix.

The goal that they both have for this ministry is to ignite and revive the churches in Arizona and eventually worldwide! They desire that God would use Love Life to finally awaken the sleeping church on the issue of the innocent blood spilled through abortion. They pray the church will no longer be silent on what they know is the top moral issue of our time. 

The main struggle they currently face is financial. They know many churches in Arizona are ripe and ready to tackle the abortion giant, but it takes time and finances. For the Vengadasalams to work at full capacity as full-time missionaries, they trust and pray that the financial issue will be resolved.

They have seen in their lives that when they follow God’s call,  it often involves stepping into a divine plan that is not fully revealed. It is an opportunity for them to trust Him more, no matter what lies ahead. To Him, they give all glory, honor, and praise.

If you would like to help support Love Life Phoenix or any of our other cities nationwide, please visit our donate page here.

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Vicky Kaseorg

    An amazing testimony and so encouraged by the opening of new cities with a Love Life presence! May many lives be saved and God be glorified as the church is ignited to action.

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