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Repentance and Response at the Washington Conference – by Vicky Kaseorg

A whole day of amazing speakers about the sanctity of life and the call to the church to awaken was coming to a close. Daniel and I were nearly the last speakers. We spoke about the vision of sidewalk counseling in front of abortion centers, and then gave some practical how-to advice. We shared stories of babies who would be dead were a sidewalk counselor NOT on the sidewalk when their moms came to abort.


After the conference, several people approached me to ask for further steps in how to begin sidewalk counseling in Seattle. I was elated by the interest. God is on the move in Washington! But the most poignant discussion was actually one of repentance.

A couple came to me and said they were thoroughly convicted in their souls they were to start sidewalk outreach tomorrow! They wanted exact marching orders. They told me they had been involved in street evangelism for years. Life got busy and they fell away from that ministry. They did good things in church, but admitted, they had not truly interceded in any way to stem the horrible tide of abortion in their city.

“After you and Daniel spoke,” the man said, “I KNEW we had to do this. Now. I could not believe I had been so blind. Why had I not seen what we should have been doing long ago?”

Amen! God will use them mightily I pray!

“My soul, my soul! I am in anguish! Oh, my heart! My heart is pounding in me; I cannot be silent, Because you have heard, O my soul, The sound of the trumpet, The alarm of war.”Jeremiah 4:19

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