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A Tale of Two Babies – by Vicky Kaseorg

A few months ago, two separate women came on the HELP Monroe Pregnancy mobile ultrasound unit (MUU). Both of them spoke no English. The first one came with her husband, and stopped for me on the street near the MUU. They were just driving around looking for a doctor because the woman was having abdominal pain. I assume they had found the abortion center address and thought it was a health facility. I spoke in my broken Spanish to offer the free ultrasound. That was just what they wanted! She was 12 weeks pregnant, and they desperately wanted their baby. 

We found translators from the Love Life  prayer walk, a husband and wife, who spoke Spanish. It was their first prayer walk, and they were immediately called into service, helping us speak to the couple. The couple was overcome by all the help being offered, and by all the people who were concerned about them. The man said,  “This is a great country. I cannot believe the kindness of your people.”

He asked why we do this. I told him we do this because we love the Lord, and the Lord loves that unborn life. Therefore we would do everything in our power to help protect that unborn life.

Sadly, the ultrasound did not reveal what was expected and Courtney, the nurse, recommended she go for further examination at the hospital. I asked if they had a Spanish bible. The did not. I ran into our office and grabbed one for them. I am praying for miracles that  the baby is OK. However, that does not appear to be the case.

Both Courtney and I were very saddened, but had little time to process our emotions. A second Hispanic woman who also spoke no English now came aboard the mobile ultrasound unit. She was abortion-minded. She had no health insurance and likely was undocumented, although she seemed fearful to admit that. 

Her greatest fear was that there would be no healthcare for her or the baby in her pregnancy. We quickly told her about the free medical clinic through HELP Monroe Pregnancy Center. Next, I shared the many resources that we could offer through our Love Life mentorship program. She was still afraid, but clearly warming to the idea that maybe she could have this baby. I asked her if she knew God. She said she did. I asked her who created the baby? She said God did. I asked her if God made a mistake. She shook her head.

When she saw the little baby’s beating heart, she gasped. She held her hands to her cheeks.  She told us she  was very excited…but very scared.  By the time we finished the ultrasound, she said that she was excited and happy. She was also going to avail herself of all the help that we offered. She would call our hispanic counselor right away to sign up for the mentorship program. She told us all the help being offered was just what she needed. Now she was smiling and laughing. She told me in the first English words she had spoken, “God bless you.”

I hurried to join a new volunteer on the sidewalk. We were to be the afternoon team following this emotional morning. Two women talked to us on the way out of the abortion center and told us they were keeping their babies. One said she realized she could not be like the other women she saw who talked with jarring nonchalance about the upcoming abortion. That is not who I am, she thought. She was amazed by all the resources we offered, and told me she would call me later to sign up for the mentor program.

As I was driving home, thinking of all the events of the day, I wondered about the inscrutable ways of God. One mother wanted her child, yet her child was possibly not alive. Another mother determined to kill her child, but upon seeing the living baby on the ultrasound firmly chose life instead.

I do not understand why things happen the way they happen sometimes. I do know that I can trust God no matter what. I also know that when the church is available, miracles abound. 

The list is long: A loving driver for the MUU tells me, “Take as long as you need. That is why we are here.” The church provides the funds for the MUU in the first place. The church sends amazing skilled and compassionate nurses like Courtney. Spanish translators arrive with their church at their very first prayer walk and are instantly used by God. Mentors with the backing of their church are ready and willing to walk alongside the women who just chose life today. The church, gathering at the prayer walk, were all praying for those precious babies, and rejoiced to learn of the baby saved. Sidewalk counselors who love the Lord stand in obedience to His commands and speak with love and mercy and truth to every abortion determined woman they encounter day after day after day.

When the church is willing to envelop these women with love and hope, lives are saved and transformed. What a blessing to be a part of the church who loves God, and loves life, protecting the smallest and most vulnerable among us.

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