Vicky leading a SoCal Sidewalk team in Prayer at the abortion center

Fanning the Flames on the Sidewalk in California

Because of your investment in Love Life, we were able to send our National Sidewalk Training director, Vicky Kaseorg, for a full week to encourage and equip several Southern California sidewalk outreach teams. Vicky visited 5 different abortion centers and worked with about 9 different sidewalk outreach teams. The week culminated in a 3 ½ hour classroom session, with all the teams gathered together to role-play common scenarios they will face on the sidewalk.

During the week, there were at least 6 saved babies, many encouraging interactions, several people who turned away and said they would not return to Planned Parenthood for medical needs, and an impressive amount of literature given out. Teams tweaked their strategy based on what they learned, and the fruit was immediate and dramatic.

One of the most poignant stories of the week occurred in Orange County. The mega Orange County Planned Parenthood where the outreach team serves is in a plot of land surrounded by freeways. The noise from cars whizzing by all around the building is overwhelming. The sidewalk outreach teams have a small stretch of sidewalk on which to minister, with cars racing by them at 60 miles an hour. Even with the amplified sound system they use, it is very difficult to speak with women and men going into the abortion center.

This small but faithful team has ministered for about two years in this difficult setting. In that time, they have had few interactions and only seen about 3 babies saved. They were discouraged, not only from the lack of visible fruit, but also wondering if they were doing something wrong. It was an encouragement that Vicky felt it was the MOST difficult abortion center she had seen thus far in the nation to effectively reach abortion-determined women. They were relieved to know what they had thought was the case was true.

Vicky was able to make suggestions in strategic team placement, as well as how to speak more effectively in that chaotic environment. The team was eager, willing, and quick to implement all the suggestions.

Then the miracle, the glitter of gold in the pan that had been empty for so long. A woman began to pull out of the abortion center. As she neared theblank team waiting at the end of the driveway, she held up an ultrasound photo. She told them, “I’m keeping my baby!”

This is a testimony shared by a Sidewalk Counselor just after she chose life.

Thank you for your prayers and support as you help us continue to fan the flames of what God is doing not only on the sidewalks in Socal but around the nation.