5,000 Babies Saved

Because of supporters like you, in 2023 Love Life was able to be present at 44 abortion centers across the nation with over 1000 partnering Churches and 306 House of Refuge Churches poised and equipped to help the moms that chose life. A watershed moment occurred in 2023 when we saw the 5,000th baby saved from abortion.

Let that number sink in. 5,000 babies who were scheduled to die with the permission of their own parents are alive today. God used you to help bring about this miracle. Because of you responding to God’s call to be a voice for the voiceless, Love Life was able to have trained people interceding at the darkest places in our cities.

Because of you, every mother who desired help was appointed a mentor with the backing of a church committed to helping her. Every family who had been on the brink of the unthinkable horror of taking the life of their child was instead helped to welcome that child now with lavish baby showers, obstacles and needs being met to smooth the path of parenting, and the love and support of Christ followers who take seriously the charge to love their neighbor as themselves.

Your impact cannot be measured. One cannot quantify the value of each one of those precious babies spared from the violence of abortion. The emotional and spiritual devastation of abortion cannot be overstated! Perhaps your impact can best be captured through the story of one family forever changed because Love Life was present and ready to help.

Mama M and her boyfriend came to the abortion center feeling overwhelmed. They lived in a small trailer that had a rotting floor. It was so bad that they had to keep their other young children off the floor for fear it would collapse beneath them. Despite the struggles, they listened to our Sidewalk Outreach team offering hope and help. They saw their baby on an ultrasound and they chose life. A Love Life mentor from a local church was appointed to them and they received a baby shower along with ongoing help. Our donors were able to replace the rotting floor, repair the leaking roof, and offer gift cards for food and Christmas gifts.

Mama M told us:

“I received an email this morning from Love Life about receiving Christmas help. We are a family of five. I just had my baby girl Sept 11. I also have two very little boys! Our financial situation has been tight lately. We live in a camper full time! And we both work. We all got sick about two weeks ago, and we were out sick for two or three days. It made a huge impact on our finances. I would like to use the gift card sent by Love Life to buy groceries for Christmas dinner and a present for each of the babies.”

Overwhelmed by the outpouring of love, Mama M recommitted her life to the Lord. The young couple desired to walk more closely with God, so a husband and wife mentor team from a House of Refuge church was appointed to counsel, disciple, and love this precious couple.

This story is just one of the over 5,000 stories which God has graciously enabled our supporters to help write. The struggles are significant and ongoing. However, we know Christmas was a little brighter for these families, and 5000 babies experienced that joy because of you.