[MISSIONARY] Is believing in creating a culture of love and life by mobilizing
the church to advocate for those who cannot speak for themselves


A sidewalk missionary is a person who has committed to being a voice for the voiceless by offering hope and life resources to families considering abortion at their local Abortion Centers. They recruit, train, equip, and encourage volunteers from our partnering churches to be out on the sidewalks in front of their local abortion clinic. Each of them serves under Love Life as well as the covering of their local church. Our goal is to have a Christian witness at this clinic offering help and hope every day they are open.

About [Sidewalk Missionary]:

[Sidewalk Missionary] longs to see the local, evangelical Church unite around the Author of Life, Jesus, and to join together in demolishing the stronghold of abortion and the orphan crisis in our state. S/he believes that corporate repentance, fasting, prayer, and obedient outreach to those considering or victimized by abortion must happen for revival to happen in our churches, communities, and country. But to get the word out, [Sidewalk Missionary] needs your support.


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