Dear Business Leaders,

Thank you for all you do for your community and beyond! It is a privilege to write to you today. As a Christian business leader, you are likely being introduced to my dear friend, Bethannah Guzman, Love Life’s Resource Development Coordinator. It is the most extraordinary honor to experience the life-saving work of Love Life! Women and men are being loved, prayed for, taken to pro-life pregnancy centers where they receive a free ultrasound, discipled, brought to Church, given baby showers, accompanied at the birth when that is wanted and given the tools needed for them and their baby to succeed in full and healthy lives.

According to the World Health Organization, 125 thousand precious babies who are made in the image of God are aborted every single day globally. Love Life is working to end this atrocity.

We recognize that the majority of women who have abortions identify as Church-going Christians.

We also recognize that the vast majority of pastors are silent on the crisis of abortion, believing the lie that this is a political issue and not appropriate for the Church. Abortion is a Biblical issue and a human rights crisis. Throughout Scripture, God makes it very clear when Life begins: His endless love for the child in the womb and His fierce wrath on communities who sacrifice their children.

It is estimated that one in four women has had at least one abortion. The deafening silence of the Church is driving women into suffering shame, believing this is too awful to even speak of or be forgiven. Pastors need encouragement to speak truth and love. They need to shepherd women and men who have participated in this and let them know that when they confess and repent, God completely washes away the sin of abortion. People need the freedom that only Jesus gives, and babies must be given their right to Life.

Your participation is vital to reaching our pastors for Life. Please pray about how you can respond to this urgent need. Love Life is seeking business leaders who will financially partner with us to “adopt” a local Love Life City Director. These City Directors do the work of finding pastors who love Life and are willing to become House of Refuge Churches. Love Life then unites, mobilizes, and equips the Church to become a culture of Love and Life, seeking to end abortion and the orphan crisis.

This Love Life City Director works far beyond the walls of the churches by continually developing resources and materials in multiple languages, training advocates and leaders. In truth and love, these leaders go throughout your city, connecting with doctors, post-abortive women and men, schools, and those facing an unplanned pregnancy. Love Life makes all these resources available to you, your company, and your connections.

Currently, many big businesses, high-tech companies, and political leaders are exploiting and financing the business of abortion tourism. Together, we can change this tragic trajectory of death into one of Love and Life. Your character, courage, and commitment are critically needed.

Please take the next step in learning more about Love Life by contacting my friend Bethannah.

As a business leader, your support of Love Life catapults a cultural shift towards Love and Life.

Thank you for considering taking a fearless and bold stand for Life. We are praying for you!


Kathy Ireland

CEO of Kathy Ireland Worldwide

“Open your mouth for the speechless,

In the cause of all who are appointed to die.”

Proverbs 31:8

Kathy Ireland’s Bold Stance on Life

Kathy’s Message to Love Life Supporters


Contact [email protected] to learn more.
